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How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free?

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How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free? Empty How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free?

Message  Madona Jeu 11 Avr - 16:47

How many fridays must Algerians walk down
Before they're allowed to be free?

Nombre de messages : 3426
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2009

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How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free? Empty Re: How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free?

Message  Madona Jeu 11 Avr - 16:47

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you can call him a man
The answer my friend is blowin in the wind 
The answer ils blowin in the wind

Quand une génération grandit avec ce poème fredonné avec ardeur... Et nous sommes toujours là !

Ce vers résume à lui seul toute la situation.

Nombre de messages : 3426
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2009

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How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free? Empty Re: How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free?

Message  Madona Jeu 11 Avr - 16:57


Nombre de messages : 3426
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2009

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How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free? Empty Re: How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free?

Message  Madona Jeu 11 Avr - 17:36

Massa Ahouari-idri No matter how long we walk but the matter is to keep walking, unified, determined, faithful to the cause and patient. Freedom is not that easy mainly that we are fighting the world"s strongest nations not only the corrupt government we have

Nombre de messages : 3426
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2009

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How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free? Empty Re: How many fridays must Algerians walk down Before they're allowed to be free?

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