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Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques?

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Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Empty Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques?

Message  Azul Lun 9 Nov - 20:08

Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Daniel Pipes

Cet article n'est pas récent. Nous le mettons en ligne cependant, parce que, outre son intérêt intrinsèque

The New York Sun
29 mars 2005
Version originale anglaise: What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?
Adaptation française : Alain Jean-Mairet
[Voir aussi, de Daniel Pipes: "Subventionner l'ennemi".]
«Choquée» – c'est ainsi que Aisha Sherazi, présidente de l'école islamique Abraar, d'Ottawa, a décrit le sentiment de l'administration et du conseil de son école en apprenant, la semaine passée, que deux de ses enseignants avaient incité à la haine des Juifs.
Mumtaz Akhtar, le président du Muslim-Community Council d'Ottawa-Gatineau, s'est également déclaré «choqué» en découvrant l'affaire de l'école Abraar.
Mais ils ont peut-être été les deux seules personnes de la planète à être «choquées» de constater que des enseignants d'une école islamique soutiennent l'antisémitisme ou d'autres aspects du programme islamiste. Le fait est que les enquêtes réalisées dans les écoles islamiques révèlent régulièrement ce genre d'attitudes islamistes radicales.
Quelques exemples:

  • New York City: des recherches effectuées par le New York Daily News en 2003 ont montré que les livres utilisés dans les écoles islamiques de la ville étaient «criblés d'inexactitudes, de condamnations indifférenciées des Juifs et des chrétiens et de déclarations triomphalistes sur la suprématie de l'islam».
  • Los Angeles: en 2001, la fondation Omar Ibn Khattab a fait don aux autorités de l'instruction publique de 300 exemplaires du Coran (intitulé La signification du Saint Coran) qui ont dû être retirés des bibliothèques scolaires en raison de leurs commentaires antisémites. L'une des notes de bas de page disait, par exemple: «Les Juifs, dans leur arrogance, ont affirmé que toute la sagesse et la connaissance d'Allah se trouvaient dans leur cœur […] Leur prétention était non seulement arrogante, mais blasphématoire.»
  • Ajax, Ontario, à 50 kilomètres à l'est de Toronto: l'Institute of Islamic Learning est une version canadienne des madrasas Deobandi extrémistes du Pakistan. Il se concentre exclusivement sur les thèmes religieux, fait apprendre le Coran par cœur à ses étudiants, impose une ségrégation absolue d’avec la société canadienne et exige la séparation totale des sexes. D'anciens étudiants se sont plaints de la dévotion touchant au culte dû au dirigeant de l'école, Abdul Majid Khan, et ont dénoncé ce qu'ils considéraient comme une «religion dénaturée».
Et puis, il y a le cas des quatre principales écoles islamiques de la région de Washington, D.C. :

  • La Muslim Community School de Potomac, au Maryland, inculque à ses élèves un sentiment d'aliénation vis-à-vis de leur pays. Miriam, élève de 7e année, a déclaré à un journaliste du Washington Post, en 2001 qu'«être Américaine, c'est juste être née dans ce pays». Ibrahim, élève de 8e année, a affirmé, pour sa part: «Être Américain, cela ne signifie rien pour moi.»
  • Un manuel de 2004, utilisé à l'Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) d'Alexandria, en Virginie, et réalisé et publié par le Ministère saoudien de l'Éducation, enseigne aux élèves de 1ère année scolaire que «toutes les religions, à part l'islam, sont des supercheries, y compris celles des Juifs [et des] chrétiens». Un ancien élève de l'ISA, particulièrement studieux, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, a récemment été inculpé pour avoir préparé l'assassinat du président Bush.
  • En 2004, le gouvernement américain a annulé les visas de 16 personnes liées à l'Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America (IIASA), de Fairfax, en Virginie. Pour reprendre les termes du Washington Post, «cette décision faisait suite aux accusations selon lesquelles l'institut, un satellite de l'université islamique al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud de Riyad, répandait une version de l'islam, que des critiques jugent intolérante envers les autres tendances de la religion, ainsi qu'envers le christianisme et le judaïsme». De plus, l'IIASA fait l'objet d'une enquête portant sur d'éventuelles liaisons avec le terrorisme.
  • La Graduate School of Islamic Social Sciences, d'Ashburn, en Virginie, qualifiée de «prétendue» institution éducative dans une déclaration sous serment justifiant une descente de police dans l'école, a fait l'objet d'une saisie de ses livres de comptes, en 2002, sur base d’un soupçon de liens avec le terrorisme.
Et les écoles ne sont pas l'exception parmi les institutions islamiques d'Amérique du nord. Une récente étude menée par Freedom House a révélé la présence, dans les mosquées américaines, de textes anti-Juifs et anti-chrétiens haineux. Les principales organisations musulmanes américaines, notamment le Conseil des Relations Américano-Islamiques (Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR), répandent l'antisémitisme et donnent tribune à un néo-nazi. La même situation règne au Canada, où le responsable du Congrès islamique canadien (CIC), Mohamed Elmasry, a approuvé publiquement le meurtre de tous les Israéliens âgés de plus de 18 ans.
Aussi longtemps que les leaders musulmans se contenteront de se déclarer «choqués», avec la même honnêteté que le capitaine Louis Renault, dans Casablanca, à chaque fois que transpirent de nouveaux signes du suprématisme islamiste, ce cancer poursuivra sa progression sans entrave. Les écoles islamiques, les mosquées et les autres organisations musulmanes, telles que le CAIR et le CIC continueront de jouer au chat et à la souris aussi longtemps que cela fonctionnera.
Et cela ne cessera de fonctionner que lorsque des pressions extérieures seront exercées par des politiciens, des journalistes, des chercheurs, des Musulmans modérés et d'autres, qui affirmeront clairement le caractère inacceptable du venin islamiste. Alors, la réaction de «choc», aujourd'hui purement hypocrite, pourra s’avérer sincère.
Daniel Pipes
© The New York Sun

Nombre de messages : 30000
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2008

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Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Empty Re: Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques?

Message  Azul Lun 9 Nov - 20:11

Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Daniel Pipes

Cet article n'est pas récent. Nous le mettons en ligne cependant, parce que, outre son intérêt intrinsèque

The New York Sun
29 mars 2005

Version originale anglaise: What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?

Adaptation française : Alain Jean-Mairet

[Voir aussi, de Daniel Pipes: "Subventionner l'ennemi".]

«Choquée» – c'est ainsi que Aisha Sherazi, présidente de l'école islamique Abraar, d'Ottawa, a décrit le sentiment de l'administration et du conseil de son école en apprenant, la semaine passée, que deux de ses enseignants avaient incité à la haine des Juifs.

Mumtaz Akhtar, le président du Muslim-Community Council d'Ottawa-Gatineau, s'est également déclaré «choqué» en découvrant l'affaire de l'école Abraar.

Mais ils ont peut-être été les deux seules personnes de la planète à être «choquées» de constater que des enseignants d'une école islamique soutiennent l'antisémitisme ou d'autres aspects du programme islamiste. Le fait est que les enquêtes réalisées dans les écoles islamiques révèlent régulièrement ce genre d'attitudes islamistes radicales.

Quelques exemples:
New York City: des recherches effectuées par le New York Daily News en 2003 ont montré que les livres utilisés dans les écoles islamiques de la ville étaient «criblés d'inexactitudes, de condamnations indifférenciées des Juifs et des chrétiens et de déclarations triomphalistes sur la suprématie de l'islam».
Los Angeles: en 2001, la fondation Omar Ibn Khattab a fait don aux autorités de l'instruction publique de 300 exemplaires du Coran (intitulé La signification du Saint Coran) qui ont dû être retirés des bibliothèques scolaires en raison de leurs commentaires antisémites. L'une des notes de bas de page disait, par exemple: «Les Juifs, dans leur arrogance, ont affirmé que toute la sagesse et la connaissance d'Allah se trouvaient dans leur cœur […] Leur prétention était non seulement arrogante, mais blasphématoire.»
Ajax, Ontario, à 50 kilomètres à l'est de Toronto: l'Institute of Islamic Learning est une version canadienne des madrasas Deobandi extrémistes du Pakistan. Il se concentre exclusivement sur les thèmes religieux, fait apprendre le Coran par cœur à ses étudiants, impose une ségrégation absolue d’avec la société canadienne et exige la séparation totale des sexes. D'anciens étudiants se sont plaints de la dévotion touchant au culte dû au dirigeant de l'école, Abdul Majid Khan, et ont dénoncé ce qu'ils considéraient comme une «religion dénaturée».
Et puis, il y a le cas des quatre principales écoles islamiques de la région de Washington, D.C. :
La Muslim Community School de Potomac, au Maryland, inculque à ses élèves un sentiment d'aliénation vis-à-vis de leur pays. Miriam, élève de 7e année, a déclaré à un journaliste du Washington Post, en 2001 qu'«être Américaine, c'est juste être née dans ce pays». Ibrahim, élève de 8e année, a affirmé, pour sa part: «Être Américain, cela ne signifie rien pour moi.»
Un manuel de 2004, utilisé à l'Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) d'Alexandria, en Virginie, et réalisé et publié par le Ministère saoudien de l'Éducation, enseigne aux élèves de 1ère année scolaire que «toutes les religions, à part l'islam, sont des supercheries, y compris celles des Juifs [et des] chrétiens». Un ancien élève de l'ISA, particulièrement studieux, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, a récemment été inculpé pour avoir préparé l'assassinat du président Bush.
En 2004, le gouvernement américain a annulé les visas de 16 personnes liées à l'Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America (IIASA), de Fairfax, en Virginie. Pour reprendre les termes du Washington Post, «cette décision faisait suite aux accusations selon lesquelles l'institut, un satellite de l'université islamique al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud de Riyad, répandait une version de l'islam, que des critiques jugent intolérante envers les autres tendances de la religion, ainsi qu'envers le christianisme et le judaïsme». De plus, l'IIASA fait l'objet d'une enquête portant sur d'éventuelles liaisons avec le terrorisme.
La Graduate School of Islamic Social Sciences, d'Ashburn, en Virginie, qualifiée de «prétendue» institution éducative dans une déclaration sous serment justifiant une descente de police dans l'école, a fait l'objet d'une saisie de ses livres de comptes, en 2002, sur base d’un soupçon de liens avec le terrorisme.
Et les écoles ne sont pas l'exception parmi les institutions islamiques d'Amérique du nord. Une récente étude menée par Freedom House a révélé la présence, dans les mosquées américaines, de textes anti-Juifs et anti-chrétiens haineux. Les principales organisations musulmanes américaines, notamment le Conseil des Relations Américano-Islamiques (Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR), répandent l'antisémitisme et donnent tribune à un néo-nazi. La même situation règne au Canada, où le responsable du Congrès islamique canadien (CIC), Mohamed Elmasry, a approuvé publiquement le meurtre de tous les Israéliens âgés de plus de 18 ans.

Aussi longtemps que les leaders musulmans se contenteront de se déclarer «choqués», avec la même honnêteté que le capitaine Louis Renault, dans Casablanca, à chaque fois que transpirent de nouveaux signes du suprématisme islamiste, ce cancer poursuivra sa progression sans entrave. Les écoles islamiques, les mosquées et les autres organisations musulmanes, telles que le CAIR et le CIC continueront de jouer au chat et à la souris aussi longtemps que cela fonctionnera.

Et cela ne cessera de fonctionner que lorsque des pressions extérieures seront exercées par des politiciens, des journalistes, des chercheurs, des Musulmans modérés et d'autres, qui affirmeront clairement le caractère inacceptable du venin islamiste. Alors, la réaction de «choc», aujourd'hui purement hypocrite, pourra s’avérer sincère.

Daniel Pipes

©️ The New York Sun

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Date d'inscription : 09/07/2008

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Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Empty Re: Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques?

Message  Azul Lun 9 Nov - 20:13

What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?

What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?

by Daniel Pipes
New York Sun
March 29, 2005


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[NY Sun title: "Anti-Semitism in Muslim Schools"]
"Shocked" is how Aisha Sherazi, principal of the Abraar Islamic school in Ottawa, described the reaction of the school's administration and board on learning last week that two of its teachers had incited hatred of Jews.
And "shocked" was how Mumtaz Akhtar, president of the Muslim-Community Council of Ottawa-Gatineau, described his own reaction to the front-page news about the Abraar school.
But they may have been the only two persons on the planet to be "shocked" to learn that teachers at an Islamic school are promoting anti-Semitism or other aspects of the Islamist agenda. The fact is, inquiries into Islamic schools repeatedly discover just such a radical Islamic outlook. Some examples:

  • New York City: An investigation by the New York Daily News in 2003 found that books used in the city's Muslim schools "are rife with inaccuracies, sweeping condemnations of Jews and Christians, and triumphalist declarations of Islam's supremacy."

  • Los Angeles: The [url=http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/105976469.html?did=105976469&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT&date=Feb 7, 2002&author=DOUG SMITH, HENRY WEINSTEIN and TERESA WATANABE&desc=Los Angeles; Schools Remove Donated Books; L.A. Unified: Officials pull translations of]Omar Ibn Khattab Foundation donated 300 Korans[/url] (titled The Meaning of the Holy Quran) to the city school district in 2001 that within months had to be pulled from school libraries because of its anti-Semitic commentaries. One footnote reads: "The Jews in their arrogance claimed that all wisdom and all knowledge of Allah was enclosed in their hearts. … Their claim was not only arrogance but blasphemy."

  • Ajax, Ontario, 50 kilometers east of Toronto: The Institute of Islamic Learning is a Canadian emulation of the extremist Deobandi madrassahs of Pakistan. It focuses exclusively on religious topics, has students memorize the Koran, demands total segregation from the Canadian milieu, and requires complete gender separation. Former students complained about the school's cult-like devotion to its head, Abdul Majid Khan, and complained that it is a "twisted religion."

Then there are four leading Islamic schools in the Washington, D.C. area:

  • The Muslim Community School in Potomac, Md., imbues in its students a sense of alienation from their own country. Seventh-grader Miriam told a Washington Post reporter in 2001, "Being American is just being born in this country." Eighth-grader Ibrahim announced that "Being an American means nothing to me."

  • A textbook used at the Islamic Saudi Academy of Alexandria, Va., in 2004, authored and published by the Saudi Ministry of Education, teaches first graders that "all religions, other than Islam, are false, including that of the Jews [and] Christians." An ISA class valedictorian, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, was recently indicted for plotting to assassinate President Bush.

  • The U.S. government revoked the visas in 2004 of sixteen people affiliated with the Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, of Fairfax, Va. In the words of the Washington Post, "That decision followed accusations that the institute, a satellite campus of al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, was promoting a brand of Islam that critics say is intolerant of other strains of the religion as well as Christianity and Judaism." In addition, the IIASA is under investigation for ties to terrorism.

  • The Graduate School of Islamic Social Sciences of Ashburn, Va., referred to as a "purported" educational institution in an affidavit justifying a raid on the school, had its financial records seized in 2002 on suspicions of links to terrorism.

Nor are schools the exception among Islamic institutions in North America. A recent study by Freedom House found a parallel problem of venomous anti-Jewish and anti-Christian materials in U.S. mosques. The most prominent American Muslim organizations, especially the Council on American-Islamic Relations, spew antisemitism and host a neo-Nazi. The same applies in Canada, where the head of the Canadian Islamic Congress, Mohamed Elmasry, publicly endorsed the murder of all Israelis over the age of eighteen.
So long as Muslim leaders simply declare themselves, in the spirit of Capt. Renault in the movie Casablanca "shocked, shocked" whenever news of Islamist supremacism leaks out, this cancer will continue unabated. The Islamic schools, the mosques, and other Muslim organizations like CAIR and CIC will continue their cat-and-mouse game so long as it works.
It won't work only when outside pressure is brought to bear on them by politicians, journalists, researchers, moderate Muslims, and others. They must state clearly and frequently the unacceptability of Islamist venom. Only then will today's fraudulent "shocked" reaction finally become sincere.
March 29, 2005 update: For further examples of this pattern, see "Troubles at Islamic Schools in the West."

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Date d'inscription : 09/07/2008

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Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Empty Re: Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques?

Message  Azul Lun 9 Nov - 20:16

In "What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?" I noted seven Islamic schools in North America, six American and one Canadian, which teach hostility to Jews and Christians or had suspected links to terrorism. This is a recurring pattern, and so important to document on a regular basis, which I shall do here. Other instances include:

  • Three graduates of the Islamic Saudi Academy were jailed after authorities found a letter written in Arabic inside one man's carry-on bag for a flight to Israel that appears to be a farewell note in preparation for suicide terrorism. Mohammed Osman Idris, Mohammed El-Yacoubi, and Abdalmuhssin El-Yacoubi (the latter two are brothers) are U.S.-born Muslims born and raised in Northern Virginia. The first two paid cash for their tickets to Israel, carried $2,000, had no checked baggage, no hotel reservations, and no pre-planned itinerary. Their passports were only three days old. The letter written by Abdalmuhssin El-Yacoubi to his older brother Mohammed reads (in its FBI translation):
    When I heard what you are going to carry out, my heart was filled with the feeling of grief and joy. . . . I have no right to prevent you from your migration to Allah and His holy messenger, but it is incumbent upon me to encourage you and help you, because Islam urges Jihad for the sake of Allah. . . . I hope that this letter will arrive before you travel to Allah and His messenger.</BLOCKQUOTE>
    FBI experts concluded that the language "indicates that Mohammed El-Yacoubi was going to place himself at grave risk of injury or death for the sake of his Jihad." (March 27, 2002)
    Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? 26

    The King Fahd Academy in Bonn under investigation
  • The King Fahd Academy in Bonn, Germany, a €14 million Arabic-language school opened in 1995 under the auspices of the Saudi government, is under investigation for ties to Al-Qaeda. A documentary on German public television's Panorama last week alleged the school, which has 600 pupils, one-third of them German citizens, has ties to a range of Islamist groups and he security agencies reported a significant influx of Islamists to the Bad Godesberg neighborhood where the school is located. The regional commissioner for North-Rhine Westphalia, Jürgen Roters, has threatened to shut down the institution. Chancellor Gerhard Schröder discussed this issue with Saudi authorities while in the kingdom on state visit last week. (Oct. 11, 2003)
  • Abrar Haque, 43, the volunteer administrator of Cleveland's Al-Ihsan School of Excellence, was arrested on money-laundering charges. To learn more about his business, federal agents seized school records. (Feb. 5, 2005)
  • The Islamic Saudi Academy helped shaped the views of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who presently sits in a Virginia jail accused of trying to assassinate the president of the United States. (March 1, 2005)

I will add other examples as they appear. (March 29, 2005)

  • I wrote today about the Universal School in Bridgeview, Illinois and described it as "an American madrassah …, replete with the alienation, resentment, supremacism, and isolation that feed the Islamist temperament. (June 20, 2005)
    Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? 127

    The cuddly Ali Asad Chandia. (Picture courtesy of the "Ali Asad Support Committee.")
  • Ali Asad Chandia, 28, was arrested on the accusation of aiding two terrorist groups, including the Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba. He is a third-grade teacher at Al-Huda School in College Park, Maryland, a K-8 school in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. that specializes in teaching the Arabic language and the Koran. Also of note: he served as the president of the Muslim Students Association at Montgomery College in 1998-1999 and was a member of the "Virginia jihad network." (Sep. 17, 2005) Aug. 26, 2006 update: Chandia, convicted in June on three counts of providing material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba, was today sentenced to 15 years in prison. At the sentencing hearing, Chandia not only maintained his innocence but threatened to exact revenge against all those responsible for his conviction: "those who participated in making my children orphans ... should just remember that the day of judgment is on the way."
  • It's not a Western story, but a story on Indonesian madrassahs in today's Australian bears noting: Vice-President Jusuf Kalla has called for the compulsory fingerprinting of 3.5 million students in the country's Islamic boarding schools – a move that has sparked outrage across the archipelago. Attempting to deflect criticism, Mr Kalla told reporters the move was not related to terrorism. "Don't connect this with terrorism – this is only in relation to identification," Mr Kalla said. However, the move follows his decision to ask Indonesia's ruling Islamic body, the extremely conservative Muslim Council of Scholars (MUI), to monitor the curriculums of Islamic boarding schools and to publicise an anti-terror fatwa, or decree. There are about 15,000 Islamic boarding schools across Indonesia. Despite their numbers, however, they are on the defensive because so many extremists connected with the terror network Jemaah Islamiah are the alumni of certain Islamic boarding schools. (Dec. 6, 2005)

  • The Hawza Ilmiyya of London, a Shi‘i religious school, teaches from a text written by Muhaqqiq al-Hilli, a thirteenth-century scholar, that has this to say about kafirs ("disbelievers"):

The water left over in the container after any type of animal has drunk from it is considered clean and pure apart from the left over of a dog, a pig, and a disbeliever.
There are ten types of filth and impurities: urine, faeces, semen, carrion, blood of carrion, dogs, pigs, disbelievers.
When a dog, a pig, or a disbeliever touches or comes in contact with the clothes or body [of a Muslim] while he [the disbeliever] is wet, it becomes obligatory-compulsory upon him [the Muslim] to wash and clean that part which came in contact with the disbeliever.</BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>
In addition, a chapter on jihad, specifies conditions for Muslims to fight Jews and Christians. So strong are the Hawza Ilmiyya's ties to the political leadership in Iran, its 1996 memorandum of association says that "At all times at least one of the trustees shall be a representative of the Supreme Spiritual Leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran." The last three years of the eight-year curriculum are spent at colleges in the Iranian holy city of Qom. (Apr. 20, 2006) April 28, 2006 update: For more on this school, see my article today, "Subsidizing the Enemy."</BLOCKQUOTE>

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Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques? Empty Re: Qu'enseigne-t-on dans les écoles islamiques?

Message  Azul Lun 9 Nov - 20:17

The Islamitisch College Amsterdam will probably be shut down because of the incitement to hatred of Jews and other non-Islamists, not to speak of the sub-par performance of its students. (Dec. 5, 2006)
<LI>The East Preston Islamic College in Melbourne, Australia, receives about A$3.9 million in state and federal government funding each year. On a school expedition, 33 male teenage boys, in Year 7 to Year 10, were taken last week to a rural camp about 50 km to the west. According to a school report, late one night three students (with another two watching) decided to have some fun. "The main perpetrator, [a Year 7 student], urinated on the Holy Bible, tore some pages from the Holy Book and burnt them then finally spat on the Holy Book." The second boy, from Year 9, "tore pages from the Holy Book and burnt them." A third student, from Year 7, "tore pages from the Holy Bible and then he rolled it up like a cigarette and pretended to smoke it." Two students were immediately expelled.
The incident shook the school's teachers, about half of whom are non-Muslim, twenty-two of them signed a petition addressed to the principal, Shaheem Doutie. In it, they expressed "anguish and dismay at the grave incident of the desecration of the Holy Bible" and "grave concern" about an "inculcation of hatred and radical attitudes towards non-Muslims" at the school. "This whole incident implies a deep hatred inculcated in the students towards the Christians/non-Muslim teachers," they conclude The petition also notes "previous incidents of students misbehaving towards non-Muslim teachers" and calls on the school to ensure the safety of teachers by taking to "steps to rectify this explosive situation." (Dec. 6, 2006)

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Abdur Raheem Green, banned from Australia but not from the East Preston Islamic College.
Dec. 7, 2006 update
: A little more research reveals the rot at the East Preston Islamic College. A videotape in the school's library contains a lecture by the British Islamist Abdur Raheem Green, someone so extreme he was banned from entering Australia in 2005. In the video, which A teacher indicates has been shown to EPIC students, Green describes Australian non-Muslims as "evil people" and tells Australian Muslims to criticize Christianity and lure people to Islam. "If we leave [Muslims] in these [non-Muslim Australian] schools they will be destroyed. … You know very well what takes place in these schools ... it is all about evolution, Christmas, Easter, St Valentine's Day - a barrage. And you expect your children to survive? You think you live in a sewer and you come up smelling of roses? Merely living in the company of evil people will inevitably begin to rub off on us and we will begin to acquire their characteristics." Principal Shaheem Doutie said he was unaware of this videotape in the library.
Dec. 19, 2006 update: More research by Cameron Stewart, the Australian reporter who's been on this story, finds more problems. Peter Moxham, the (non-Muslim) principal of EPIC in October 2003-January 2005, says (in Stewart's paraphrase) that "the school was dysfunctional and dangerous, with a widespread culture of bullying and poor educational standards." Moxham calls it "a classic potential breeding ground for extremists. If any of these kids become radicals, it will be partly because the education is of such a low calibre and bullying is endemic."
Further, Stewart reveals that EPIC has had to repay "tens of thousands of dollars [of the A$3.9million it receives annually] in government funding this year after a federal government investigation found the school had overstated the number of its students."
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The Australian Islamic College logo.
Following a months-long investigation, 28 fraud squad officers and 10 investigators from the federal Department of Education yesterday at 9 a.m. raided the three Perth-area campuses of the Australian Islamic College, carting off three truck-loads of computers and documents. The school, founded in 1986 by Abdallah Magar, received A$13.3 million in government funding in 2006 for its two thousand K-12 students taught by 250 teachers. The fraud unit suspects that the school swindled the federal government by inflating its rent payments or by overstating its student population (double counting students or ghosting students). Detective Inspector Arno Albrecht of the Commercial Crime Division said that, as far as he was aware, the Major Fraud Squad had not previously been involved in a raid on a school in Western Australia.
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Abdallah Magar, founder and head of the Australian Islamic College.
Magar's outlook is evident from his goals for AIC: "full academic achievement, protection from social diseases coupled with success in the hereafter by being saved from the hellfire." Also, in November 2006, AIC signed a letter accusing the media of hysteria and sensationalism in reporting on Sheikh Taj Din al-Hilali's comments likening Australian women to uncovered meat. (January 31, 2007
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The King Fahad Academy logo.
Children as young as five at the King Fahad Academy in Acton, UK, are taught to describe Jews as "apes" and Christians as "pigs." So reports Colin Cook, 57, a convert to Islam who taught English at the KFA for 19 years until he was fired. He reports hearing pupils say they want to "kill Americans," praising 9/11, and calling Osama bin Laden their "hero." Cook warns that "The school could produce a dangerous harvest," an allusion to its becoming a breeding ground for terrorists. When he questioned the school management about the curriculum complying with British laws, he was told: "This is not England. It is Saudi Arabia." The school, funded and run by Riyadh, opened in 1985 for the children of Saudi diplomats in London, though the great majority of its 520 pupils now come from British Muslim families (including those of Abu Hamza al-Masri and Abu Qatada). KFA, which receives more than £4m a year from the Saudi royal family, devotes around half of lessons to religious subjects and conducts almost all its classes in the Arabic language.
Cook says he was fired in December 2006 after blowing the whistle for the school's covering up cheating by students in GCSE exams; he plans to bring a tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, race discrimination, and victimization. The school denies his allegations and insists he was properly dismissed for gross misconduct connected to the exams procedure. (February 6, 2007)
Feb. 7, 2007 update: Appearing on BBC2's Newsnight, KFA's principal, Sumaya Alyusuf, admitted that the school uses textbooks that describe Jews as "apes" and Christians as "pigs," even as she refused to withdraw them. "We have these books in our school. These books have good chapters that can be used by the teachers. It depends on the objectives the teacher wants to achieve." Asked by the moderator, Jeremy Paxman, "Will you now remove this nonsense from the Saudi Ministry of Education from your school?" Alyusuf replied: "Just to reiterate what I said earlier, there are chapters from these books that are used and that will serve our objectives. But we don't teach hatred towards Judaism or Christianity - on the contrary."
Feb. 8, 2007 update: KFA's principal, Sumaya Alyusuf, denied that teachers assigned the offensive chapters that Cook had noted, saying these had been "taken out context" and had "lost some of their meaning." Further, those materials have literally been torn out of the schoolbooks in question "in the public interest." Finally, "The press interest in these unused chapters has shocked us.
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Colin Cook standing in front of the King Fahad Academy grounds.
Feb. 9, 2007 update: Schools minister Jim Knight has ordered an inquiry into KFA, saying that "It would be completely unacceptable for any school to have material which makes the sort of inflammatory assertions that are being alleged. I have therefore asked the department to make enquiries in relation to the recent allegations surrounding King Fahad Academy, and to confirm whether the school complies with its statutory requirements on promoting tolerance and harmony."
Feb. 11, 2007 update: A Sunday Times reporter, Sian Griffiths, was invited to see KFA and wrote up her experience at "We don't teach hate." The atmospherics are interesting in themselves ("Awkwardly, I adjust my dress, wondering whether I should have donned trousers. But then, I remind myself, this is a school on British soil"), as is a bit more detail from the Cook statement:
"Pupils are asked to mention some repugnant characteristics of Jews," he writes. "Year 1 pupils are asked to give examples of worthless religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, idol worship and others . . . The teachers on the Saudi curriculum . . . presumably endorse this racist view-point or teach it without complaint."</BLOCKQUOTE></LI>
Apr. 18, 2008 update: Colin Cook's trial has taken place, with an employment tribunal in Watford awarding him £70,000 for unfair dismissal. A panel found the school created a "smokescreen" to justify his dismissal. New information from the trial about the school included: (1) Cook telling the tribunal that pupils at KFA were taught from Arabic books that likened Jews and Christians to "monkeys" and "pigs". An Arabic textbook encourages students to see religions other than Islam as worthless. It refers to "the repugnant characteristics of the Jews" and it asserts that "Those whom God has cursed and with whom he is angry, he has turned into monkeys and pigs. They worship Satan." (2) Some pupils, according to Cook, "talked as if they did not live in London at all." (3) When he asked how Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada, both on social benefits, could pay the school fees, he was told to mind his own business. (4) The school serves as part of the Saudi Embassy, with Saudi nationals enjoying diplomatic immunity.</BLOCKQUOTE>

  • The Jameah Islameah School in Mark Cross (near Crowborough, East Sussex, UK) has been shut down because, the Department for Education and Skills announced, it had failed to fulfill an "improvement plan" to meet standards. The department issued a statement that "It is now illegal for Jameah Islameah to continue as an independent school and it could be prosecuted if it continued to do so." The school "continues to fail to meet the standards which all independent schools must meet ... concerning the quality of education provided; the welfare, health and safety of pupils; and quality of premises and accommodation." (February 9, 2007) Feb. 11, 2007 update: Jim Knight, the schools minister, said JIS is one of 45 independent schools closed on quality grounds over the past three years, and that the closing was unconnected to anti-terror police raids in September 2006. The £3 million building has 100 rooms and is surrounded by 54 acres of property. Oddly, the school had 11 students, well fewer than the 20 teachers and other adults living on the grounds.

Related Topics: Academia, Anti-Christianism, Muslims in the West, Radical Islam, Terrorism

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